Happy Easter from us all at Bowman!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers, suppliers and friends all over the world a very happy Easter! It seems like Christmas was only last week, yet here we are at the beginning of Spring; although a quick look out of the window would suggest we are still languishing in deepest Winter with yet another blizzard forecast, so dont forget to panic-buy 19 loaves of bread and all the milk you can carry!

The Bowman and JHB offices will be closed Friday 30th through Monday 2nd but the indomitable Steve H will be on hand to deal with any urgent enquiries over the break. Feel free to drop him a line on steve@bowman.co.uk as he will be lonely whilst the rest of us are eating our body weight in Easter Eggs.

Finally, just for a bit of Easter fun, if you can guess which languages these festive messages are from, you could* win a satsuma......but not just any satsuma....an M&S EASY PEELER SATSUMA, the Rolls Royce of satsumas.

1. Frohe Ostern!

2. iFeliz Semana Santa!

3. God påske!

4. Buona Pasqua!

5. イースター、おめでとう !


7. Vrolijk Pasen!

8. Veselé Velikonoce!

9. Paşte fericit!

10. 复活节快乐 !

11. Wesołych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy!

12. Feliz Páscoa!

13. pe'SaH DatIvjaj!

Answers on the back of a postcard to the usual address......

* I'm not really going to send you a satsuma. They are mine.


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